Summer Sessions
*We will follow NYS Department of Health Guidelines in relation to High School sports*
Schedule is subject to change so make sure you receive Shaker soccer emails from Coach
Summer sessions are open to anyone entering grades 7-12 in the Fall
All summer sessions are optional
The call to cancel a training session due to weather will be made by email
1 hour prior to the start of the session
All summer sessions will take place at the Latham Circle Soccer Complex located at 568 Boght Road Latham, NY 12047
See attached "2021ShakerBoysSoccerPlayer .pdf" packed for a comprehensive on expectations.
Shaker Soccer Websites
The coaching staff highly recommends these individual training soccer videos.
Shaker Soccer’s website has all of the key information you need as well as the history of the program! (website still under construction)
Find the Shaker Soccer player packet at